Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Go Team!!!

So the rat race has begun.. 4 kids in school I am sooo tired!!! But very excited for all that lies ahead for my little ones.. Paul is very happy with his teacher and has decided to do every club imaginable. Joey likes his teacher but says she is tough and oh boy is she.. And dan the man well he likes school but he is so tired.. He has had some tears but we are getting through it. He misses being home and playing with his toys.. He is a sensitive kid and very shy so when he is not sure where to go the tears come and he gets a stomach ache.. But he will get it real soon. victoria loves school and does not want to leave. I was home today all by myself for the first time in 9 years!! I got so much done...My babies are growing up to fast.. Hard to believe that Paul has 2 more years untill middle school. I shall warn you that this post is going to have alot of photos!!!
have a good night

1 comment:

Linda said...

Ohhh I'm envious of you! Alone time! Toddlerhood has slipped into the terrible twos early here and I'm going seriously crazy!! Trying to enjoy it because I know it goes fast but it's hard! I'm too old for this now! Isn't it amazing how they're each so different! Loved all the pics! Ya got some good ones to scrap!