Monday, September 1, 2008

I've been Tagged!!!

So I have been tagged by my gh bud Linda. Since she loves gh just as much as I do I figured I'd hop right to it..
7 strange facts about me..

1. I must always sleep with the covers on. No matter how hot it is.
2. I am barley 5 feet tall and I love it
3.I like to put my corn on top of my mashed potatoes
4.I love jeans and have so many pairs It is all I like to wear
5.I have my own covers on the bed and can not share with my husband
6. I am so scared of horror films and I have never seen any freddie movies
7.I don't like pizza!

6 Random facts about me.. is my obsession
2. I am a total night owl I don;t get to bed until after 1am
3.I tell my husband how much the kids get on my nerves But truth be told if we could afford to I would have at least 2 more. Yes that would make 6!!
5.I love to watch hannah montana with my kids
6.I love chocolate but there can be no nuts in my chocolate!!

Few I did it. Now I tag anyone who wants to join in!!!
Happy labor day!!


Linda said...

Oh (sigh) Laurie! We have SO MUCH in common! Except the LISON thing! OMG...why would you torture me with that link! (whap) I'll admit tho..I did feel a little sorry for her this week when Jason dissed her! OMG...he is sooooooooo hot!

Linda said...

Ooooh ok! Now I see the spoilers! Yay! Very cool!! Thank you!!